Online class how-to

Please read this information on how to register for my online classes and also some things to expect and keep in mind about joining and participating. By signing up for classes you acknowledge and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as all information below.

Picking a class & registration

Please make sure you read the descriptions of classes and the prerequisites. If you don’t understand, or you have questions feel free to email me.

Signups close 8 hours before class time. Minimum of 5 registrations required per class. If the minimum enrollment is not met class will be cancelled and you will be notified in email.

To register for class: on the Online Classes page click on the “SIGN UP” button under the class you want to take. Make sure the class time works in your time zone. All class times posted on my website are in Pacific Time Zone (PT) — the registration system allows you to see the class time in your time zone.

You will receive an email with all the class information after signups close.


All classes are recorded. An email with a link to the class recording will be sent out to everyone signed up, unless otherwise indicated in the class’s description. Links will stay active for at least 60 days. If you don’t receive an email with the recording link approx. a day class (or 5 days for edited recordings), please email me.

Note about playlists when following along a recording: I’m often changing, rearranging and adding songs to playlists, but I try to keep songs on the list. You can use the “Search in playlist” option to find songs by name.

If you are interested in purchasing previous class recordings feel free to reach out. No guarantees.

Class participation on Zoom

Ground rules

In order to cultivate an emotionally and psychologically safe classroom atmosphere that is respectful of differences, and that fully acknowledges different perspectives, values, opinions and beliefs, everyone participating must agree to the following ground rules:

  • Treat everyone with respect and compassion.

  • If you decide to voice differences of opinions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, do so respectfully.

  • Absolutely no hate, prejudice or judgement, name calling, or verbal attacks.

  • No recording of class and/or participants on your own device(s) unless explicitly permitted.

Students who do not comply with these rules will be immediately removed from the class and permanently banned from taking future classes.

Class info & technology

Equipment & devices

Under each class description there is information about the equipment and attire needed to participate. Please read this information and make sure you have everything ready when class starts.

To minimize having to switch between apps and experiencing distracting technical difficulties.

Make sure you have enough devices set up before class to participate in the Zoom meeting, play music from one of my Spotify playlists, and optionally record yourself during class.

Please read the email before class

The email for class info will be sent to you sent to you after class signups close. This email contains the Zoom meeting invite, the link to the Spotify playlist for the class, and attire/equipment information for the specific class. Please read this email carefully.

If you don’t receive an email from by 1 hour before class please check Spam, or email me at

Before class

Give yourself time to “get to class”

Just like going to a physical class and making sure you have time to get there, allocate time to prepare yourself and your space for class.

Having yourself and your space ready with minimal distractions from the start will improve your experience of the class.

Arrive on time

Class instruction starts at the scheduled times. Try to join the Zoom link about 5 minutes early so you have time to figure out technology and we can get started with movement right away.

Out of respect for me and the rest of the class and to ensure safety, you will not be let into the Zoom meeting if you are more than 10 minutes late. No refunds will be issued for no-shows and people exceeding the grace period. You will still receive a recording, if the signup includes it.

Class interaction & privacy

Interacting during class

My classes are live because I believe that the ability to interact adds value to learning. In some classes you may be prompted to ask questions or give feedback during class, this can be done verbally or in writing using the Zoom chat function.

You don’t need to have your video on during classes, but I encourage it if you would like to receive feedback.


I highly respect everyone’s privacy online. Please take note of the following regarding privacy during class:

The Zoom app displays your display name and profile image (when video is off) to all participants in the class. You can modify your display name and profile image in the Zoom app settings before entering the meeting.

All classes are recorded. In these cases the screen will display a recording consent disclaimer as well as a voice prompt when the recording starts.

The recording is of my (instructor) video feed and doesn’t include the names/videos/images of participants unless otherwise noted by me in the beginning of class (gallery mode). Your voice will be recorded if you choose to ask questions or give feedback verbally. If this is a concern, you can utilize the chat functionality to ask questions or provide feedback during class.

For online private students

Meeting information email & technology

The email with your lesson info will be sent out the day before the lesson. This email contains the Zoom meeting invite and optionally specific attire/equipment information for your lesson based on our prior agreement. Please read this email carefully.

If you don’t receive this email from me 3 hours before your lesson please check spam, or email me at

Preparation for your lesson

Allocate time to prepare yourself and your space. Please arrive on time and have all things you need and your space ready. You will be placed in the waiting room until a few minutes before start.

If you need and feel comfortable doing so, I recommend warming yourself up before, otherwise we will spend too much time out of your lesson on warmup. Areas to focus:

  • Shoulders, hips, spine: warmup and mobility and prehab

    • if you have a set lesson plan, targeted warmups and prep exercises

  • DO NOT do extensive static stretching before lessons

We will do additional lesson-specific warmup when necessary.


Please take note of the following notes about privacy during class:

The Zoom app displays your display name and profile image (when video is off) to all participants in the class. You can modify your display name and profile image in the Zoom app settings before entering the meeting.

Private lessons are recorded at the student’s request in gallery view. In these cases the screen will display a recording consent disclaimer as well as a voice prompt when the recording starts.